AIRA Journal Authoring Guidelines

Submitting an Article

Topic proposals, articles and questions about content for current and future editions should be directed to the Editorial Board: Michael Lastowski,; David Bart,; and Boris Steffen, Articles may be initially submitted as pdfs, emailed to Editorial Board members; however, once accepted for publication, a Word version is normally requested to facilitate the publication process and, for exhibits and other graphic elements, underlying files such as Excel may be requested. AIRA reserves the right to edit articles as needed; however, authors will receive comments, proposed changes and a review copy prior to publication.

Questions about publication details, deadlines, author bios and photos, etc., may be sent to Managing Editor, Valda Newton

Article Length

The normal range for article length is 2,200 – 6,600 words; however, in each issue there are unique configurations of material that may or may not allow a longer article to be included, depending on date of submission and other articles already approved. Longer articles (6,600 words or more) are welcomed and will be considered for publication according to space available.

Author Bio

A brief bio for the author (50-100 words) must accompany each article and may include the author’s email address for questions and comments.

Author Photo

Authors are encouraged to provide a headshot (one for each author if there are multiple authors) to be published with the article. Color is preferred but black and white will be accepted. At a bare minimum, images must be 400px in width; for best results, 1000px width and above is recommended.

References and Citations

For material published in AIRA Journal, appropriate credit must be given to works of other authors and sources in a consistent manner, giving clear acknowledgment and allowing readers to locate sources. The AIRA Journal editors request this be done through the use of footnotes without bibliography, with format generally according to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Ed. For online sources, if an online source is also a print source (journal or newspaper, etc.) or has a clear online publishing date (such as online news sources), footnote it in the same way as a source in print, adding the URL address and the access date if the material is time-sensitive. For citing an act of law or legal case, footnotes should follow standard legal citation forms.


Bibliographies are occasionally submitted for articles with extensive research support. In this case the bibliography is normally put on AIRA’s website and the article refers readers to it by the web address. Legal or Chicago style may be used as appropriate.


All questions about topics and content for current and future articles should be directed to the Editorial Board: Michael Lastowski, David Bart and Boris Steffen

Questions about format, publication schedules and other details may be sent to Managing Editor, Valda Newton